Friday, February 18, 2005



The rules/object of this game: String together adjacent letters from left to right, and up/down, to form as many famous names as you can (with the vowels left out). For example, if the letters on the gameboard looked like this:

R . B . R . T . L . S . T . W . R
L . L . X . R . D . F . R . D . T

"RBRTRDFRD" could be actor Robert Redford, "RXRD" could be critic Rex Reed, "RBRTRD" could be actor Robert Reed (Brady Bunch dad), and "RDSTWRT" could be rocker Rod Stewart. (See any others? If so, let us know!)

Now see how many famous names you can find in the following letters:

R . P . R . T . V . R . T . T . J . N
D . N . N . D . L . K . L . M . R . S

Hint: there is a tennis legend, an actress, at least two actors, a singer... and maybe more.